Here is a compilation of past AOI Newsletters listed by year since 2008. The AOI's newsletters serve as the organization's official record of our monthly luncheon events and notices. They are voted upon for approval by the membership at subsequent in-person events. Hard copies of the AOI newsletters may be found in MS 422 "The Association of the Oldest Inhabitants of D.C." in the Kiplinger Research Library Archives of the DC History Center.
We encourage you to use the complete list of AOI Speakers and Topics from 1999-Present to help navigate your way through exploring or researching past newsletters. In most instances, the newsletter account of a program would appear in the next issue following the date of the event. The AOI has recorded all programs since 1999 which are available on audio cassette or CD in MS 422. Since 2016, the audio versions of the luncheons are available via this link on our web site. Since 2021, videos of the AOI luncheon events are available on the website and on AOI's YouTube Channel.